small sheet metal bending press brake machine 30ton 40ton 63ton hydraulic press brake machine and shearing machine
in normal bending, some sheet metal is less than 4mm , and the length is mostly less than 1.5m ,or some is 1.2m and less .
so for this sheet metal bending , no need to buy heavy duty press brake machine like 100ton or 160ton hydraulic press brake.
so Primapress specially design the small press brake bending machines, you can view below photos.
we have 30ton 1600mm hydraulic press brake, 40ton 1600mm hydraulic press brake , and 63ton hydraulic press brake machine .
and for export, Primapress give free wooden case package for free from any damage during shipping.
every month, Primapress can sold this type small hydraulic press brake machine around 20 sets .
also primapress also produce the small guillotine shearing machine for thin metal.
so the customer can use the smallest money to do the biggest things in the market.
Primapress small guillotine shearing machine and press brake machine waiting for your purchase .