Max 3kw cnc fiber laser cutting machine 6x2m worktable and NC hydraulic press brake bending machine
this is Primapress exported to India distributor , Max 3kw cnc fiber laser cutting machine 6x2m worktable and NC hydraulic press brake bending machine .
this two machines will be shipped by 40FR Container. because the 6x2m cnc fiber laser cutting machine worktable is too big.
the big worktable cnc fiber laser cutting machine is popular now because it can hold bigger sheet metal for cutting ,
and it can give lower sheet metal price by the thick plate . so even shipping cost is high, the customers still need to buy the cnc fiber laser cutting machine with big tables .
the distributor just do OEM from Primapress company, so we can not put our logo.
now Primapress has worked with around 40 distributors in the world to do OEM .
because they trust Primapress good quality, and reasonable price , and sound after sales services.
we have founded very stable relationship with these distributors and they can give the local services .