How to choose a suitable cost-effective metal sheet cnc press brake bending robot
When buying a sheet cnc press brake metal bending robot, spending some time looking for a suitable supplier will usually provide you with a better price and
a more powerful solution. However, the robotics market is difficult to locate, and few companies conduct proper research.
Too many companies invest too little time in market research
Suppose you have decided to use robotics in production. You have identified the process to be automated, and your employees are ready to meet the challenge.
Now is a good time to ask myself: Where should I buy this technology?
It is a good strategy to spend some time looking for the best supplier, but from our experience as an independent robot bending production line consultant,
few companies do this. So, they missed a better solution, and their robot project added unnecessary expenses.
sheet cnc press brake metal bending robot
The market for sheet cnc press brake metal bending robots is difficult to grasp
Sometimes, the technology you are looking for already exists in the market as a standard solution. There may also be several suppliers preparing to start a development
project based on existing technology. However, if companies do not realize this, they will not continue-the journey of automation ends before it starts.
There are many types of suppliers
There are many different types of suppliers out there. When looking for a solution, you should first determine what performance you need.
The types of suppliers can be classified as follows:
1) Manufacturer
Manufacturers usually sell robots to distributors, and only sell robots directly to very large customers, such as giant car factories. In this case, you will only
purchase the robotic part of the solution, and you will be responsible for the integration.
2) Dealer
The distributors in each country or region also only sell part of the solution, such as a sheet cnc press brake metal bending robot arm without a gripper, safety certification or related procedures. Dealers often sell robots to anyone who wants to integrate robots by themselves.
3) Integrator
Integrators are the preferred suppliers of many robotics and automation solutions. This is because the integrator can manage the entire solution, which means that the
customer has very little responsibility for setup and installation, and usually only needs to learn to operate off-the-shelf technology. This is where you get a turnkey solution.
4) Supplier
The supplier does not provide ready-made solutions, but only sells separate components such as grippers or robotic arms. If you want to integrate it yourself, suppliers may be able to cooperate, even if they are more expensive than distributors. This is because you may have signed a service agreement with the above-mentioned supplier, so you may reach
a favorable transaction with it.
Appropriate market research can give better prices and reduce investment risks
In the long run, spending some time on proper market research will pay off. For example, it allows you to identify multiple suppliers of a project and ask them to
quote all of them. Tendering like this creates competition and allows you to get a better offer.
PRIMAPRESS When this project does not require a standard solution, market research is also very important. If you can find a supplier with experience in similar
projects, you can save money because the solution does not have to start from scratch. More importantly, a mature concept will minimize the risk of the entire investment.
Although the prices quoted above vary greatly, it is also clear to see which suppliers have previous experience with similar tasks. Experienced suppliers may
suggest automated technologies that are not prone to failure.