Handheld cnc fiber laser welding machine portable cnc fiber laser welder machine is hot
now , Handheld cnc fiber laser welding machine portable cnc fiber laser welder machine is hot in the market.
due to handheld has following advantages:
The laser welding machine adopts 150-3000 watt fiber laser source, which has high photoelectric conversion efficiency and
long life of 100,000 hours. The energy provided by electric energy is 25%-30% converted into laser energy,
and the photoelectric conversion rate is many times that of YAG laser.
everymonth, Primalaser can ship 20 days Handheld cnc fiber laser welding machine ,including 10 sets for export market of
portable cnc fiber laser welder machine . more video link: https://youtu.be/kLHu1wqZEGA