Delem sheet metal 100ton 2500mm cnc hydraulic press brake bending machine DA52S
this is Primapress Delem sheet metal 100ton 2500mm cnc hydraulic press brake bending machine DA52S .
it is 4+1 axis cnc hydraulic press brake machine. 4+1 axis means X,Y1,Y2, R and one V Crowning axis for the cnc operations of press brake machine .
so the more axis, the more powerful functions of the press brake machine can give .
this customers is from Egypt , they like Primapress press brake and shearing machine design ,
and the attitude for manufacturing sheet metal fabrication machine , the biggest things is that ,
Primapress has Egypt brands ,who can give the local services and installation , commissioning help.
Primapress is one of the leading and experienced cnc press brake machine manufacturer in China. we can offer different kinds of press brake machine ,
like smart cnc press brake, electro-hydraulic press brake machine, full servo press brake , and economical type nc press brake or torsion bar cnc press brake machines .
Primapress press brake machine can be specially made for different customers.