125Ton 3200mm cnc press brake and 3kw cnc fiber laser cutting machine 6020 worktable with Max source
Primapress just exported to India, 125Ton 3200mm cnc press brake and 3kw cnc fiber laser cutting machine 6020 worktable with Max source .
the customer is located in Mumbai , the 3kw max cnc fiber laser cutting machine worktable is 6*2m effective .
the buyer is making new factory to make decoration products to his customers .
in 2018, they visited Primapress and always keep Primapress as their first choice in press brake , laser cutting machine and shearing machine.
after their factory finished, they finally place the order for primapress .
nowdays, india market is growing as india industry is upgrading to a new level .
we think India will be the 3rd GDP in the near future.